Programme beneficiary with her dignity kit, at the Refugee Reception Centre, Cunene Province | ©UNFPA Angola/Dorivaldo Caetano
In the drought-stricken provinces of Angola, girls and young women face significant challenges in managing menstruation. The scarcity of water and lack of information about sexual and reproductive health create obstacles to their well-being and education.
Panel discussion
"As custodian of the ICPD Programme of Action, UNFPA has been at the forefront of advocating and implementing policies and programmes that defend the rights and well-being of individuals and communities"
SYP Regional Coordinator carries out fieldwork in Angola
"It's always good to be on the ground to see and appreciate the work being done with young people," said Mrs Tamisayi, SYP's Regional Coordinator. She pointed out that the main aim of this visit is to recognise SYP's work and also to learn ways of improving programming, not only in Angola, but also in the other 11 countries where SYP is implemented.

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