Implementation of Kobo Collect in drought-affected Provinces
UNFPA Angola Resident Representative Dr. Mady Biaye and Sarah Rwiyamirira, Chief Operating Officer of UNFPA Angola visit Huila Province in order to set the beginning of activities with partner World Vision International, for the implementation of the Kobo Collect Information System, under the Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) response project implemented in the provinces of Huila, Namibe, Cunene and Cuando Cubango.
The Sexual and Reproductive Health (SRH) Response in Drought Affected Areas in Southern Angola project of the Ministry of Health/World Bank, implemented by UNFPA, foresees the implementation of an agile, accurate and real-time information collection system. World Vision International, UNFPA's partner in this project, has the experience of working with the Kobo Collect application, in addition to extensive experience in the provinces mentioned, with community mobilization for the promotion of well-being and improved levels of health in populations affected by drought.

In order to implement this application, a meeting between the field teams of both institutions is necessary to harmonize the activities that will be developed in the scope of this partnership, namely
- Introduction to the use of the Kobo Collect application in the selected areas;
- Identification and training of 40 social mobilizers, in order to promote community mobilization for the dissemination of qualified information on SRH, focusing on adherence to family planning, prenatal consultations, institutional delivery, and use of Adolescent and Youth Friendly Health Services.

A meeting was held with World Vision Angola representatives, Angêla Samanjolo, project coordinator Roberto Bulten, regional coordinator Alberto Sapitango, José do Rosário M&E officers, DNSP, Virginia do Amaral coordinator of Public Health Care and also the program coordinators of the provinces mentioned and the National coordinator of the project Response to SSR in Areas affected by Drought in Southern Angola UNFPA, to initiate the activities of World Vision International in the field in a coordinated manner with the actions that the UNFPA field team develops in these areas.