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Technology and Innovative Partnerships in Angola: Ministry of Youth and Sports launches Oi Kambas App on TV Zimbo

Technology and Innovative Partnerships in Angola:  Ministry of Youth and Sports launches Oi Kambas App on TV Zimbo


Technology and Innovative Partnerships in Angola: Ministry of Youth and Sports launches Oi Kambas App on TV Zimbo

calendar_today 12 July 2022

Innovation and Technology for SRH  in Angola: Ministry of Youth and Sports launches Oi Kambas App
Safeguard Young People Program in Angola Promotes Innovative Partnerships and Technology to Empower Young People

Ministry of Youth and Sports launches Oi Kambas App


The Ministry of Youth and Sports (MINJUD), in partnership with the United Nations  Population Fund (UNFPA) within the framework of the Youth Safeguard Program (SYP),  developed the mobile application, Oi Kambas. The project was launched on June 17,  2022 for the whole country on the program ‘’A Tarde é Nossa’’, on TV Zimbo by the  National Director for Youth Policies, Dr. Kikas Machado.  


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Oi Kambas is a free mobile application that aims to inform young people in an  educational way on various topics of interest to them related to Health and Well-Being,  Sexuality, Relationships, Their Bodies and Sexual and Reproductive Health.  In addition to being free, the application can be used without using the internet with  80% of the information available in offline mode. Oi Kambas users can access  information about the health units closest to them, expand and test their knowledge,  receive and share doubts and opinions in a confidential and secure way, as well as the  functionality of personal health and menstrual cycle management. 

The App is based on the mHealth/YouthCONNECT platform and is available on Google  Play for all Android users in Angola. For the National Director for Youth Policies, Dr. Kikas  Machado, this app will help to promote the engagement and knowledge of young  people on topics appropriate to their needs.  

The Safeguard Young People Program is the main youth program of UNFPA ESARO and  is part of the Regional Program on HIV and AIDS, Sexual and Reproductive Health and  Rights of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. In Angola, the SYP is a 5-year regional UNFPA  Program that aims to contribute to the achievement and universal access to sexual and  reproductive health for 60,000 young people in the 5 target provinces (Luanda, Huíla,  Namibe, Cunene and Cuando Cubango). 

The program ‘’A Tarde é Nossa’’, on TV Zimbo, where the app was launched, will now  have a weekly section about Oi Kambas, the result of a partnership between MINJUD,  UNFPA and TV Zimbo. The space will be broadcast every Wednesday, as part of the  television station’s corporate social responsibility policy.

 Braulio Silva Oi Kambas, TV Presenter and Friend of UNFPA Igor Benza,
Dr. Kikas Machado, National Director for Youth
Dr. Kikas Machado, Ministry of Youth and Sports, Lisdalia Jacinto UNFPA, Igor Benza Tv Zimbo, Diandra Costa UNFPA, Braulio Silva Oi Kambas App

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